SSL Certificates
Trusted certificates for your server
Using a ssl certificate issued by a trusted public certificate authority guarantees best web browser compatibility. As official reseller we can offer you all kind of certificates from well-known vendors at affordable prices.
Well-Known CAs
For possible browser compatibility.
Domain Validation
Via mail, HTTP or DNS of your domain.
Wildcard Certificates
For any number of hosts within one domain.
Our Offers
All prices are final prices. As small business according to §19 German UStG no VAT is billed.
Questions and Answers
Standard certificates are valid for one particular hostname and the domain itself (e.g. and Wildcard certificates secure any number of direct subdomains within one domain (e.g. * and
According to current policies by the CAB forum the validity period of newly issued certificates has to be limited to one year. When ordering longer periods the certificate needs to be re-issued after one year at not additional charge.
Payment Methods

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